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Predefinição:Tabs Spectre

Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
20 + 2,3
23 + 1,8
16 + 1,9
Nível 0 1 15 25 30
Vida 200 600 1 240 1 700 1 920
Regen. de vida 1,5 3,5 6,72 9,02 10,17
Mana 75 267 579 807 927
Regen. de mana 0,9 1,7 3,03 3,98 4,46
Armadura 0 3,83 8,03 11,03 12,53
Atq / Seg 0,59 0,72 0,87 0,98 1,03
Dano 23‒27 46‒50 71‒75 89‒93 98‒102
Resistência mágica 25%
Velocidade de movimento 285
Velocidade de ataque 100
Taxa de rotação 0,5
Alcance de visão 1800/800
Alcance de ataque 150
Velocidade de projétil Instantânea
Animação de ataque 0,3+0,7
Tempo base de ataque 1,7
Bloqueio de dano 8
Tamanho de colisão 24
Pernas 0

Mercurial the Spectre is a melee Agility hero adept at dealing pure damage to lone targets, and is powerful both offensively and defensively. Spectral Dagger provides a significant amount of mobility, allowing Spectre to go through objects, units and terrain while slowing foes that come in contact with the shadowy path left by her Spectral Dagger. Desolate allows her to inflict high pure damage to enemy heroes when she catches them alone. Dispersion reduces and reflects all damage, whether by attacks or spells, to an area around her. Dispersion gives her great durability, especially when equipped with items that provide health, armor, and damage block. Finally, her Haunt creates a malevolent spectral illusion to all enemy heroes in the map. Haunt lets Spectre wreak havoc in clashes and ganks, while her allies take advantage of the confusion. Spectre can use Reality during the Haunt, instantly teleporting her to her illusion to take its form. This lets her hound her victim anywhere on the map. Mercurial is a dangerous supernatural being, relentless as she can chase and stalk down her victim to a global range, unhindered by boundaries. Her kit allows her to play the role of the team's hard carry by applying an immense amount of pressure in late game team fights. More specifically, the damage reflection from Dispersion makes it disadvantageous for teams to focus her. Her abilities have a complex nature, and newer players should generally not play Spectre as she is extremely farm and level dependent. It is best to face Spectre with allied help and strength, as encountering her alone is not always the best option.


Spectre minimap iconMercurial, Spectre
▶️ "Among the Transcendencies, you would be thought ignoble."
Da mesma forma que estados mais altos de energia procuram um nível mais baixo, Spectre, conhecida como Mercurial, é um ser de intensa e violenta energia que não consegue evitar ser atraída por cenas de conflitos no mundo físico. Enquanto o seu estado normal espectral transcende limitações sensoriais, cada vez que assume uma manifestação física, ela sofre de uma perda de identidade – contudo, nunca se esquece das suas intenções. No calor da batalha, a sua identidade quebra-se e reconfigura-se, e ela começa a recuperar a sua consciência. Percebe-se que ela é Mercurial, a Spectre – e que todas as suas Assombrações não são nada mais do que sombras da verdadeira Spectre. A concentração surge na luta pela sobrevivência; a sua verdadeira mente reafirma-se; nos momentos finais da vitória ou derrota, ela transcende a matéria e é restaurada mais uma vez para a sua forma eterna.
Gin Hammond (respostas)


Adaga Espectral
Spectral Dagger icon
A si / Inimigos
A Spectre lança uma adaga para criar um Caminho Sombrio, causando dano e reduzindo a velocidade de movimento dos inimigos ao longo do rastro. Unidades atingidas pela adaga também criarão um Caminho Sombrio. Enquanto caminha pelo rastro, a Spectre pode passar por terrenos antes impassáveis.
Animação de uso: 0,3+0,37
Alcance de uso: 2 000
Raio: 125
Dano: 50/100/150/200
Bônus de movimento: 8%/12%/16%/20%
Retardo de movimento: 8%/12%/16%/20%
Duração do caminho: 12
Cooldown: 16 (Talento 6)
Mana: 130/140/150/160
Ignora parcialmente imunidade a magias. Places trail and slow debuff on spell immune enemies. The slow debuff is inactive while spell immune.
Não é bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Procs only when secondary target while a hero was directly targeted. However, Spectral Dagger instantly reattempts to apply the debuff, thus wasting Linken's cooldown. No interaction with the primary target or when hit while the ground was targeted.
Efeito positivo ou negativo, baseado na aliança do alvo Spectral Dagger In Path: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Spectral Dagger Path Phased: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Spectral Dagger: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
A adaga da Mercurial coloca o plano físico em sombra, um estado no qual mortais se acovardam, mas espectros prosperam.


  • The Spectral Dagger travels at a speed of 800 and cannot be disjointed.
  • Can directly target heroes and creep-heroes. When targeting a hero, the dagger homes in on the target until reaching it.
  • When targeting the ground or creep-heroes, the dagger travels 2000 range in a straight line. It does not home in on creep-heroes.
  • Every enemy unit which comes within 125 range of the traveling dagger gets damaged.
  • Hit enemy heroes and illusions also receive the Spectral Dagger debuff, making them trail a shadow path like the dagger itself.
    • This debuff also grants shared vision over the enemy heroes, revealing their silhouette when invisible.
  • Spectre and enemies gain the Spectral Dagger In Path modifier while on the path, increasing her/decreases their movement speed.
    • This modifier lingers for 4 seconds after leaving the path.
  • Spectre also gains the Spectral Dagger Path Phased buff, which grants her unobstructed movement.
    • This buff lingers for 2 seconds after leaving the path.
  • The shadow path's segments last 12 seconds from the moment on they were created, not as the spell was cast.
  • The shadow path grants 200 range flying vision around itself.

Desolate icon
Causa dano adicional ao atacar um inimigo que esteja sozinho.
Raio: 325
Dano: 20/35/50/65
Frequentemente, guerreiros se encontram sozinhos com a visão de Mercurial — a grande questão é se essa é a verdadeira Spectre.


  • Desolate damage is a separate damage instance and applied before the actual attack damage hits.
    • This means it damages even when the attack misses.
  • Works against any enemy unit, except for wards and buildings.
  • Desolate completely ignores nearby wards, buildings, invulnerable and hidden units.
    • This means that Desolate still deals its damage when the target only has one of the above as an ally nearby.
    • Since it only checks for allies of the target, nearby neutral creeps do not prevent it from dealing damage either.

Não pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Disabled by Break. Não ignora imunidade a magias.
Dispersion icon
A si / Inimigos
O dano causado à Spectre é refletido nos seus inimigos, deixando-a ilesa. O efeito diminui de acordo com a distância.
Raio mínimo: 300
Raio máximo: 1 000
Dano refletido: 10%/14%/18%/22%
Uma tarefa difícil recai sobre os inimigos de Mercurial — matar uma sombra com lâmina e mágica.


  • Dispersed damage is returned as the same damage type as it was received.
  • The damage from Dispersion is flagged as HP Removal, so it does not trigger any on-damage effects.
  • Dispersion reflects the damage before any form of damage manipulation.
  • Always reflects a percentage of the full damage value, no matter how much health Spectre had left when she received the damage.
    • This means it reflects overkill damage dealt to Spectre, so if a damage source exceeded Spectre's current health and killed her, the reflected damage is based on the full damage value.
  • Dispersion reflects the damage right before it is actually done to Spectre, so if both Spectre and an enemy would die to the damage simultaneously, the enemy is always killed first.
  • The dispersed damage is not felt by Spectre, effectively reducing every incoming damage by 10%/14%/18%/22%.
  • Increases effective HP by 11%/16%/22%/28%, potentially reflecting that amount as damage to enemies.
  • Reflected damage is not shared between enemies. All of them take the full reflected damage.
  • The damage dealt decreases linearly from a 300 radius to a 1000 radius from Spectre.
  • This is how much damage Dispersion deals to enemies at certain distances:
    • 300 Distance: 10%/14%/18%/22% of dealt damage
    • 475 Distance: 7.5%/10.5%/13.5%/16.5% of dealt damage
    • 650 Distance: 5%/7%/9%/11% of dealt damage
    • 825 Distance: 2.5%/3.5%/4.5%/5.5% of dealt damage

Haunt icon
Sem alvo
Cria um nêmesis espectral para atacar cada herói inimigo após um pequeno atraso. A qualquer momento durante a assombração, a Spectre pode usar a habilidade Realidade para tomar o lugar de uma ilusão da sua escolha.
As assombrações são incontroláveis, possuem 400 de velocidade de movimento base, ignoram terrenos impassáveis, sofrem dano adicional e causam menos dano do que a própria Spectre.
Animação de uso: 0,3+0,5
Raio: Global
Dano causado pelas assombrações: 30%
Dano sofrido pelas assombrações: 200%
Duração: 5/6/7
Cooldown: 140/130/120
Mana: 150
At the height of combat, Mercurial's physical manifestation shatters, and the shadowy pieces haunt those who still cling to life.


  • Haunt illusions are selectable, but uncontrollable.
  • The illusions have 400 movement speed and unobstructed pathing.
  • The illusions start attacking their targets 1 second after being spawned.
  • They do not attack but still follow invisible units. They also spawn on and follow invulnerable and hidden units.
  • Haunt illusions do not spawn for enemy illusions, but spawn for every Meepo minimap icon Meepo clone and Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Tempest Double"..

Reality icon
A si
A Spectre troca de lugar com a assombração escolhida.
Animação de uso: 0+0,7
Alcance de uso: Global
Cooldown: 0
As sombras espalhadas se unem à verdadeira Spectre.


  • Reality is unlocked upon learning Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Haunt". and stays always active.
  • The cast of Reality is not registered as a spell cast and thus does not proc any on-cast effects.
  • Does not disjoint projectiles upon cast.
  • When targeting ground, Spectre exchanges places with the closest Haunt illusion from the targeted point.
  • Can be cast multiple times until Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Haunt". ends or all Haunt illusions are dead.
  • After swapping positions, the Haunt illusion still walks towards its target and attacks it.


Talentos do herói
-10s de intervalo entre usos para Spectral Dagger icon Adaga Espectral25+400 de vida
+20 de Strength attribute symbol Força20+30 de velocidade de ataque
+20 de velocidade de movimento15+8 a todos os atributos
+5 de armadura10+20 de dano
  • A armadura e o dano de ataque são adicionados como bônus, então não beneficiam ilusões.
  • O aprimoramento de vida aumenta a capacidade máxima e mantém a porcentagem atual.

Itens recomendados



e Dicas
Desvantagens e




Habilidades Antigas
Habilidades Antigas
Registro de Mudanças
Registro de Mudanças



  • The name Mercurial most likely comes from the DeviantART account of Kenneth Tan, the person who made the 6.28-6.32 loadscreen.[1][2] 6.28 is also the version in which Spectre got released in DotA.
  • "Mercurial" means "swift, shrewd, and deceitful", which is attributed to the Roman god of thieves, Mercury, as Spectre is an agile and quick Hero. It can also refer to the planet Mercury, since Spectre is an otherworldly entity. Mercurial can also hint towards the element Mercury, often called "quicksilver," which is another reference to Spectre's speed and mobility.
  • Spectre's alternate/fun name "Qwerty-" was given to her for remembering a legendary Dota player Zaven "Qwerty" Terminasov, who died on December 5, 2010.
  • Spectre's voice responses are overlayed with the same track playing backwards, bearing a huge similarity to the Spirit of Vengeance's voice in Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, which is also the voice of Spectre in DotA.
  • Spectre has fewer model animations than any other hero in the game.


