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Habilidades antigas
Faceless Void
Faceless Void icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
22 + 2,4
19 + 3
15 + 1,5
Nível 0 1 15 25 30
Vida 200 640 1 300 1 780 2 020
Regen. de vida 0,5 2,7 6,06 8,46 9,66
Mana 75 255 507 687 771
Regen. de mana 0 0,75 1,8 2,55 2,93
Armadura 0 3,17 10,17 15,17 17,67
Atq / Seg 0,59 0,7 0,95 1,12 1,21
Dano 37‒43 56‒62 98‒104 128‒134 143‒149
Resistência mágica 25%
▶️ Velocidade de movimento 300
▶️ Velocidade de ataque 100
Taxa de rotação 0,9
Alcance de visão 1800/800
Alcance de ataque 150
Velocidade de projétil Instantânea
Animação de ataque 0,5+0,56
Tempo base de ataque 1,7
Bloqueio de dano 8
Tamanho de colisão 24
Tipo de gib Padrão

Darkterror, o Faceless Void, é um herói de Agilidade com ataque corpo a corpo.


Faceless Void minimap iconDarkterror, o Faceless Void
▶️ "From a place beyond time, and time beyond counting."
Darkterror, o Faceless Void, é um visitante de Claszureme, um reino onde o tempo não existe. Ainda é um mistério a razão pela qual este ser de outra dimensão acredita que a luta pelas Pedras Nêmesis vale a entrada ao nosso plano físico, mas, aparentemente, um distúrbio no equilíbrio do poder deste mundo tem repercussões nas dimensões adjacentes. O tempo não interessa para Darkterror, exceto como um meio de frustrar os seus inimigos e de ajudar os seus aliados. O seu vasto conhecimento do cosmos deu-lhe uma qualidade remota e desconexa, embora na batalha ele é bem capaz de torná-la pessoal.


Andar Temporal
Time Walk icon
A si
Em inglês: Time Walk
Corre para o local-alvo enquanto regride qualquer dano sofrido nos últimos 2 segundos.
Animação de uso: 0,3+0,2
Alcance de uso: Global
Distancia máxima percorrida: 675 (Talento 1 175)
Duração da regressão: 2
Cooldown: 24/18/12/6 (Talento 22,5/16,5/10,5/4,5)
Mana: 40
Efeito positivo Time Walk: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
O Darkterror abre um buraco no tempo, passando por Claszureme e voltando em um instante.


  • Time Walk moves Faceless Void with a speed of 3000.
  • Faceless Void is invulnerable during Time Walk.
  • Does not disjoint projectiles upon cast.
  • Does not travel the full distance, when targeting closer than the max distance.
  • Upon cast, any damage Faceless Void took in the last 2 seconds gets healed back up. This includes damage dealt by allies.
  • Status buffs and debuffs, cooldowns and mana are completely unaffected.

Dilatação Temporal
Time Dilation icon
Sem alvo
Em inglês: Time Dilation
Prende todos os inimigos próximos em um campo de dilatação temporal por 6/8/10/12 segundos, congelando os seus intervalos entre usos e retardando as suas velocidades de movimento e ataque em 14% para cada intervalo entre usos congelado.
Animação de uso: 0,1+0,77
Raio: 725
Retardo por intervalo entre usos: 14%
Duração: 6/8/10/12
Cooldown: 40/34/28/22
Mana: 75
Não ignora imunidade a magias. Slow and cooldown freeze persist if debuff was placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.
Efeito negativo Time Dilation Slow: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Para aqueles que enfrentam Darkterror, cada momento parece se arrastar pela eternidade.


  • Affects units in the Fog of War and invisible units, but not invulnerable and hidden units.
  • Does not actually freeze cooldowns, instead, it adds 6/8/10/12 seconds on ongoing cooldowns.
  • Abilities cast by affected units after the debuff is applied are not affected by the debuff.
  • Does not affect the cooldown of items or abilities without a cooldown. Does affect cooldowns of passive abilities.
  • Does not affect the recharge time of charge-based spells.
    • However, if the last charge of a spell was used and the icon shows a cooldown, that cooldown is affected.
    • Freezing that cooldown causes the recharge timer and the cooldown to desynchronize, so that the spell is still on cooldown even after gaining a charge back.
  • The slow has no stack limit. Each ability on cooldown adds a stack.
    • Also counts the cooldown of hidden abilities, like Invoker minimap icon Invoker's uninvoked spells, Battle Cry icon Rugido de Batalha, Morph icon Morfose or abilities granted by Aghanim's Scepter icon Cetro de Aghanim.
    • Rubick minimap icon Rubick's stolen spells which are on cooldown and already lost do not count, as they are not hidden, but removed.
    • The stack count can only increase, and never decline. If an ability gets refreshed, the slow still keeps all the current stacks.
  • Abilities can still be reset (e.g. Refresher Orb icon Orbe Restaurador) while affected by Time Dilation.
    • However, when reset in any other way than a Refresher Orb or Refresher Shard icon Fragmento Restaurador (e.g. Rearm icon Rearmar), abilities go back on cooldown again upon losing the debuff.
  • Multiple instances of Time Dilation do not stack, but refresh the duration.

Tranca Temporal
Não pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Disabled by Break. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Time Lock icon
Em inglês: Time Lock
Fornece a chance de um ataque prender uma unidade inimiga no tempo, atordoando-a e causando dano adicional.
Chance: 12%/16%/20%/24%
Dano: 25/30/35/40 (Talento 95/100/105/110)
Atraso do segundo ataque: 0,33
Duração em herói: 0,75
Duração em criatura: 2
Efeito negativo Timelock Freeze: dissipável com dissipação poderosa.
O golpe do Faceless Void acerta com a força da mudança dimensional.


  • The proccing attack first applies the debuff, then its own damage.
  • Time Lock works against allied units, but not against wards and buildings.
  • Upon proccing, the stun debuff gets applied. 0,33 seconds later, the second attack, and the damage applies.
    • The bash damage is dealt in a separate instance and is spell damage. It is not added as attack damage.
    • This means bash works with spell lifesteal and spell damage amplification, but not with lifesteal, crit, or cleave.
    • The second attack is an instant attack, which is allowed to trigger attack modifiers normally. This means it can trigger itself as well.
    • Applies the instant attack first, then Time Lock's own damage.
  • Despite the visual effect, the angle of the second attack is still based on Faceless Void's position, so cleave hits towards where he is facing, and not the image that appears.
  • Adds an average of 3/4,8/7/9,6 (Talento 11,4/16/21/26,4) damage to every attack.
  • Time Lock uses pseudo-random distribution.

Not disabled by Break. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Chronosphere icon
Inimigos / Aliados
Em inglês: Chronosphere
Cria uma bolha no espaço-tempo, prendendo todas as unidades pegas na sua esfera de influência e permitindo que se mova rapidamente dentro dela. Apenas o Monstro Temporal e o Faceless Void não são afetados. Unidades invisíveis dentro da esfera serão reveladas.
Animação de uso: 0,35+0,7
Alcance de uso: 600
Raio: 450 (Talento 625)
Velocidade do ímpeto: 1 000
Duração: 4/4,5/5
Cooldown: 140 (Com Cetro de Aghanim 60)
Mana: 150/225/300
Aprimoramento do Cetro de Aghanim: Reduz o intervalo entre usos.
Not disabled by Break. Faceless Void's immunity to Chronospheres is not disabled by Break.
Efeito positivo Chronosphere Speed: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Chronosphere Freeze: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Quando uma fenda abre até Claszureme, todas as pobres almas capturadas provavelmente nunca irão retornar.


  • Chronosphere affects all units which are not owned by Faceless Void, including buildings, wards and allies.
  • Does not affect couriers, hidden units and invulnerable heroes. All other invulnerable units are fully affected.
  • Instantly causes already latched Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Abraço Fantasma". to return to their caster, and freezes traveling phantoms.
  • While in the Chronosphere, Faceless Void and any units he controls are phased and hasted, meaning they cannot be slowed below the set value.
  • Faceless Void and illusions of him (be it his own, enemy or allied illusions) are never disabled by any Chronosphere.
  • However, the movement speed and phase is only provided to the caster of it.
  • Provides flying vision and True Sight over the whole affected area for its duration.
  • Affected units are stunned. When other units walk inside the area, they also get affected for its remaining duration.
  • Cancels most sources of Forced Movement upon applying the disabling debuff on a unit.
  • Units inside Chronosphere can be pulled out by various spells. Force Staff icon Cajado de Força, Hurricane Pike icon Lança Furacão, Erro Lua em Módulo:Ability_ID na linha 44: Could not find Cargo data for "Bola de Neve". and Geomagnetic Grip icon Punho Geomagnético cannot move units out of Chronosphere.

Não pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Not disabled by Break.
Talent Right 4
A si
Em inglês: Backtrack
Não há nenhuma descrição para esta habilidade.
Chance: 25%


  • Grants Faceless Void a chance to avoid damage completely.
  • Backtrack belongs to the group of damage negating effects. It is not evasion.
    • This means it only negates damage, it does not evade any side effects of spells or attacks, like disables.
    • When an attack has e.g. Mana Break and Backtrack triggers on the attack, the damage is avoided, but the mana burn still takes effect.
    • This also means that True Strike or Accuracy does not stop Backtrack from avoiding attack damage.
    • Evasion has priority over Backtrack. When evasion procs, Backtrack cannot proc on that attack.
  • Backtrack has the third highest priority in the group of damage negating effects.
  • As with all damage manipulating effects, Backtrack can negate all 3 damage types.
    • Increases Faceless Void's effective health by an average of 33% against those.
  • Fully ignores damage which is flagged as HP Removal.
  • Backtrack uses pseudo-random distribution.


Talentos do herói
+175 à área de efeito da Chronosphere icon Cronosfera25+25% de chance de ativar Regressão
+500 de alcance de uso para Time Walk icon Andar Temporal20+45 de velocidade de ataque
-1,5s de intervalo entre usos para Time Walk icon Andar Temporal15+70 de dano para Time Lock icon Tranca Temporal
+12 de Strength attribute symbol Força10+15 de dano
  • Este talento de dano de ataque é adicionado como dano de ataque bruto, então não beneficia ilusões e não é afetado pela maioria dos efeitos de redução ou aumento de dano baseado em porcentagem.

Itens recomendados

Itens iniciais:

Começo da partida:

Meio da partida:

Minutos finais:

Itens situacionais:


Funções: Carregador Carregador Iniciador Iniciador Desativador Desativador Escapista Escapista Resistente Resistente
Complexidade: ★★☆
Estilo de jogo: Hailing from the realm of Claszureme, Darkterror is a being for whom the laws of spacetime do not apply. The Faceless Void knocks opponents out of this dimension, pausing and stunning them with Time Lock. He fast-forwards through space, stepping past obstacles while backtracking any damage taken. Nearby enemies are exposed to Time Dilation, slowing not only their movement, but also the rate at which spells can be cast. Darkterror rips opens a rift to Claszureme, bringing all except himself to a complete standstill. Frozen in time, foes can only stand oblivious as the Faceless Void dismantles them from within the Chronosphere.

Counters icon
Desvantagens e


Sounds icon


Old Abilities icon
Habilidades antigas
Changelogs icon



  • In DotA, Faceless Void's alternate/fun name is Gorzerk.
  • Faceless Void's death response, ▶️ "Unkind…Rewind" is likely a reference to the old saying, "Be Kind, Rewind", a saying used to remind customers to rewind rented VHS tapes before returning them to the store.
  • Faceless Void's respawn line ▶️ "In the land of time, the no-eyed man is king." refers to the famous adage by Desiderius Erasmus: "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
  • The word "Chrono" is a Greek word which means "time", and when combined with "sphere" can be translated as "The sphere of time", much likely to describe his Ultimate's ability (to pause/stop time for his own purpose).
  • Faceless Void's green heart shaped belt buckle could be a reference to Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki considering they both have the ability to stop time.
    • When using Chronosphere icon Cronosfera, Faceless Void strikes a pose similar to Dio Brando's signature pose.

