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Não ser confundido com Banehallow.
Bane icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
23 + 2,6
23 + 2,6
23 + 2,6
Nível 0 1 15 25 30
Vida 200 660 1 380 1 900 2 160
Regen. de vida 0 2,3 5,94 8,54 9,84
Mana 75 351 783 1 095 1 251
Regen. de mana 0 1,15 2,97 4,27 4,92
Armadura 1 4,83 10,9 15,23 17,4
Atq / Seg 0,59 0,72 0,94 1,09 1,17
Dano 35‒41 58‒64 94‒100 120‒126 133‒139
Resistência mágica 25%
▶️ Velocidade de movimento 305
▶️ Velocidade de ataque 100
Taxa de rotação 0,6
Alcance de visão 1800/800
Alcance de ataque 400
Velocidade de projétil 900
Animação de ataque 0,3+0,7
Tempo base de ataque 1,7
Bloqueio de dano 0
Tamanho de colisão 24
Tipo de gib Etérea

Atropos the Bane Elemental, also known simply as Bane, is a ranged intelligence Hero, possessing dark and nightmarish abilities that give him strong disabling, ganking, and nuking prowess. Mostly played as a support, he has some of the highest starting stats of any hero, yet is unique in the sense that all his attributes and stat growths are equivalent. In addition, he possesses four highly potent single-target spells, which if used properly can more than make up for his complete lack of area of effect presence and pushing power. Enfeeble reduces the target's attack damage by a tremendous amount, which can highly reduce an attack-reliant enemy hero's effectiveness from as early as the laning stage all the way to the endgame. Brain Sap is a nuke that deals hefty pure damage to the target, healing himself for the same amount as well. Nightmare puts a unit to sleep, completely disabling for several seconds and dealing minor damage per second. If the slept target is physically attacked, it wakes up and the spell transfers to the attacker (spells will also wake the target up, but will not transfer the effect to the caster). Finally, Bane's Fiend's Grip is a channeling spell that completely disables the target for several seconds, dealing heavy damage per second and giving Bane some mana back as well. Bane's debilitating lockdown abilities are what make him an invaluable support to allies, and a feared one for enemies.


Bane minimap iconAtropos, o Bane
▶️ "I dreamt a field of war...and woke to find myself upon it."
Quando os deuses têm pesadelos, é o Bane Elemental que os traz. Também conhecido como Atropos, Bane nasceu a partir dos terrores da meia-noite da deusa Nyctasha. Sendo uma força de terror poderosa demais para ser contida em sonhos, ele veio ao mundo através dos seus torpores, alimentou-se da sua imortalidade e tomou a sua forma nebulosa do sangue escuro dela. Ele é a essência do medo. Mortais que ouvem a sua voz escutam os seus segredos mais sombrios sussurrados nos seus ouvidos. Ele chama pelo medo oculto no coração de cada herói. Ficar acordado não traz proteção, pois o sangue negro e sempre gotejante de Bane é um piche que prende os seus inimigos em pesadelos. Na presença de Bane, nenhum herói se esquece de temer o escuro.


Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Não ignora imunidade a magias.
Enfeeble icon
Em inglês: Enfeeble
Reduz a resistência estática e a velocidade de ataque do alvo.
Animação de uso: 0,3+0
Alcance de uso: 1 000 (Talento 1100)
Redução de resistência estática: 36%/44%/52%/60%
Redução de velocidade de ataque: 50/75/100/125 (Talento 70/95/120/145)
Duração: 8
Cooldown: 12/10/8/6
Mana: 50/75/100/125
Não ignora imunidade a magias. Attack speed reduction debuff persists if placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.
Efeito positivo ou negativo, baseado na aliança do alvo Enfeeble: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Até mesmo os mais poderosos dos guerreiros desmoronam aos pés do terror de Atropos.


  • Successive casts of Enfeeble on the same target do not stack, only the debuff gets refreshed and updated to the current level.
    • Due to the status resistance reduction effect, refreshing the debuff will result in a longer duration of the debuff than usual.
  • Treats creep-heroes as heroes, so it is able to target them.
  • Choosing the "Enfeeble Steals Attack Speed" talent does not retroactively grant Bane attack speed from already Enfeebled targets.
    • On the next cast, grants Bane a buff that increases his attack speed for the same values as the reduction.
    • The buff does not stack, so only once instance can exist on Bane at any time. Casting it anew refreshes the duration.
    • The buff on Bane is independent from the debuffs on the targets.
  • Choosing the attack speed reduction upgrading talent does not upgrade any of Bane's currently active Enfeeble debuffs.

Drenagem Cerebral
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Ignora parcialmente imunidade a magias.
Brain Sap icon
Inimigos / Em si mesmo
Em inglês: Brain Sap
Alimenta-se da energia vital de uma unidade inimiga, curando Bane e causando dano.
Animação de uso: 0,4+0,57
Alcance de uso: 600 (Talento 700)
Dano: 75/150/225/300 (Talento 325/400/475/550)
Cura: 75/150/225/300 (Talento 325/400/475/550)
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11 (Com Cetro de Aghanim 1,5)
Mana: 90/115/140/165
Aprimoramento do Cetro de Aghanim: Reduz o intervalo entre usos e faz com que Drenagem Cerebral ignore imunidade a magias.
Ignora parcialmente imunidade a magias. Cannot be cast on spell immune enemies.
Can be cast on spell immune enemies when upgraded.
Atropos não tem prazer maior do que o de colher o medo que cria.


  • Deals damage before it heals.
  • Always heals for the full amount of health, regardless of the amount of damage dealt.
  • Despite the visual effects, the heal and damage happen simultaneously.

Nightmare icon
Inimigos / Aliados
Em inglês: Nightmare
Faz com que um herói inimigo ou aliado durma. Unidades adormecidas despertam quando atacadas, mas Pesadelo passa para a unidade que a atacou. O base pode atacar unidades adormecidas livremente.
Animação de uso: 0,4+0,57
Alcance de uso: 425/500/575/650 (Talento 525/600/675/750)
Duração do adormecimento: 4/5/6/7
Duração da invulnerabilidade: 1
Cooldown: 22/19/16/13
Mana: 165
Não ignora imunidade a magias. Sleep and invulnerability debuffs persist if placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Blocked when primary target. Blocked upon attacking a unit affected by an enemy Nightmare.
Efeito positivo ou negativo, baseado na aliança do alvo Nightmare Invulnerable: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Nightmare: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Uma proeza roubada da deusa Nyctasha é colocar sua presa em sono eterno.


  • Applies a sleep on affected units, preventing them from acting.
  • Nightmare turns affected targets invulnerable for 1 second, preventing affected units from waking up.
  • Nightmare reduces affected enemy unit's vision to 200.
  • The target wakes up when a unit starts attacking it (including manual casting of active attack modifiers), or when the target takes damage.
  • The target does not wake up when taking damage from certain sources and under a few rare conditions:
  • When waking up with an attack, the Nightmare is transferred to the attacking unit at the start of an attack, not when the attack hits.
  • When Nightmare is transferred, its duration is refreshed, including the 1 second invulnerability.
  • The Nightmare cannot be transferred to spell immune units, or to wards and buildings. So their attacks only wake up nightmared units.
  • Bane and all illusions of Bane can attack nightmared units without waking the target up, and without the Nightmare transfering to them.
  • Nightmared units are never automatically attacked, regardless of settings. A forced attack order is required to attack them.
    • This prevents enemies from accidentally afflicting themselves with Nightmare by auto-attacking a nightmared unit.
    • This also means that nightmared units are never attacked by lane creeps, neutral creeps, towers and fountains.
    • Units can force an attack on an allied nightmared unit to transfer the Nightmare to themselves.
  • As long as a unit is affected by Nightmare from Bane, Nightmare is replaced by a sub-ability which allows Bane to wake the unit up.
  • Nightmare's invulnerability status effect uses the default Invulnerability icon invulnerability icon, instead of its own ability icon.

Fim do Pesadelo
Nightmare End icon
Em inglês: Nightmare End
Termina todos os Pesadelos ativados.
Animação de uso: 0+0
Cooldown: 0


  • Replaces Nightmare icon Pesadelo until there is no Nightmare debuff from Bane active.
  • Can wake a unit up at any time during a Nightmare, even during the 1 second invulnerability.
  • Wakes up all units which were put asleep by Nightmare, no matter who put them asleep.
  • Can be used while stunned, cycloned, slept, taunted, hidden, or during Forced Movement.
  • Cannot be used while silenced, hexed or prevented from acting. Cannot be shift-queued.

Aperto do Demônio
Fiend's Grip icon
Inimigos / Em si mesmo
Em inglês: Fiend's Grip
Agarra uma unidade inimiga, desativando-a e causando dano gigantesco com o tempo, enquanto rouba mana a cada 0,5 segundo com base no máximo de mana da unidade.
Animação de uso: 0,4+0
Alcance de uso: 625 (Talento 725)
Duração máxima de canalização: 6 (Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido)
Dano por segundo: 100/155/215
Máximo de drenagem de mana por segundo: 5%
Cooldown: 120/110/100
Mana: 200/300/400
Ignora imunidade a magias. Does not attempt to damage spell immune enemies.
Efeito negativo Fiends Grip: dissipável com dissipação poderosa.
As vítimas de Atropos são frequentemente dilaceradas por conjurações vívidas de seus próprios pesadelos.


  • Fiend's Grip fully disables the target as long as it is channeled.
  • Provides True Sight over the target until the channeling ends.
  • Deals Erro Lua: . damage and drains 2.5% mana in 0.5 second intervals, starting immediately as the channeling begins, resulting in up to 12 (Talento Erro de expressão: Operador < inesperado) instances.
  • Can deal up to 600/930/1 290 (Talento Erro Lua: .) damage (before reductions).
  • Can drain up to 30% (Talento Erro de expressão: Operador < inesperado%) of the target's maximum mana.
  • Applies the damage first on each tick, and then the mana loss.
  • Choosing the duration increasing talent does not affect Bane's currently active Fiend's Grip instance.


Talentos do herói
+7s de duração para Fiend's Grip icon Aperto do Demônio25+250 de dano/cura para Brain Sap icon Drenagem Cerebral
+65 de velocidade de movimento20+100 de redução de dano para Enfeeble icon Debilitar
+40% de experiência obtida15Enfeeble icon Debilitar rouba dano
+100 de alcance de uso10+6 de armadura

Itens recomendados

Itens iniciais:

Começo da partida:

Meio da partida:

Minutos finais:

Itens situacionais:


Funções: Suporte Suporte Desativador Desativador Bombardeador Bombardeador Resistente Resistente
Complexidade: ★★☆
Estilo de jogo: Formed from the ichor of Nyctasha, Atropos is the vaporous embodiment of pure fear. Sheer terror Enfeebles his enemies, diminishing their attacks. The Bane Elemental puts heroes to sleep, sending them into a restless Nightmare as he feeds on their vital energies through Brain Sap. Some will never wake. Caught in the Fiend's Grip, Bane's victims can only swing at imagined phantoms as fear chokes the life from their bodies.


Sounds icon


Lore icon
Changelogs icon



  • The origin of the name "Atropos" comes from Greek mythology. One of the Moirai Sisters (commonly referred to as the Sisters of Fate), Atropos was the sister in charge of cutting the "Life Thread" of those who were going to die. Her name literally means 'the no-Turning One' (> α 'no, without' + τρέπειν 'to turn'), referring to the irreversible and inevitable destiny of death.
  • Bane's rival line towards Tinker minimap icon Tinker ▶️ "Do Tinkers dream of electric sheepsticks?" is a reference to the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. "Sheepstick" is also a commonly used name for the Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse.
  • The theme and abilities of Bane are based on the game Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis. In this game, there is a Bane "element" which provides spells that are named Enfeeble, Brain Sap, Nightmare and Fiend's Grip, with a similar theme of Bane in Dota 2.
  • Bane's move line ▶️ "Sleep no more!" is a reference to Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in particular, his famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy. Hamlet reasons over whether to take his own life or carry on: "To die, to sleep-. No more-and by a sleep we say to end..."
  • Fiend's Grip sound effect makes use of one of Bane's lines ("▶️ The bane of your existence").
  • Bane's Last hit Response "▶️ The wages of fear" is a reference to the film of the same name.
  • Bane is the only hero in Dota that has equally both base and growth value on all 3 attributes, even some general attributes value adjustments have been made on other heros through different versions, only Bane still keeps this peculiarity in every version, intentionally.

