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== Jogabilidade ==
== Jogabilidade ==
{{Hero gameplay
{{Hero gameplay
| funções = Support, Nuker, Durable, Disabler, Pusher
| roles = Support, Nuker, Durable, Disabler, Pusher
| complexidade = 3
| complexity = 3
| descrição = Perched atop the Narrow Maze was Visage, a dreadful gargoyle form to which the eternal spirit Necro'lic was bound. Tasked with hunting down those who escape the afterlife, Visage instills a <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Grave Chill'''</span> in his prey, impairing them as he reaps their essence with <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Soul Assumption'''</span>. Protected by a <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Gravekeeper's Cloak'''</span>, the gargoyle's ablative layers deflect both steel and spells. Visage's <span style="color:#cc33ff">'''Familiars'''</span> circle above, scouting the land for runaways. On his command, they harass their prey, then drop down to earth in <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Stone Form'''</span> to restrain the captive for their master's impending arrival.
| description = Perched atop the Narrow Maze was Visage, a dreadful gargoyle form to which the eternal spirit Necro'lic was bound. Tasked with hunting down those who escape the afterlife, Visage instills a <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Grave Chill'''</span> in his prey, impairing them as he reaps their essence with <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Soul Assumption'''</span>. Protected by a <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Gravekeeper's Cloak'''</span>, the gargoyle's ablative layers deflect both steel and spells. Visage's <span style="color:#cc33ff">'''Familiars'''</span> circle above, scouting the land for runaways. On his command, they harass their prey, then drop down to earth in <span style="color:#008ae6">'''Stone Form'''</span> to restrain the captive for their master's impending arrival.

Revisão das 00h35min de 10 de agosto de 2018

▶️ I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance.
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Habilidades antigas
Visage icon
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
24 + 3
11 + 1,3
22 + 2,5
Nível 0 1 15 25 30
Vida 200 680 1 520 2 120 2 420
Regen. de vida 1,5 3,9 8,1 11,1 12,6
Mana 75 339 759 1 059 1 203
Regen. de mana 0,9 2 3,75 5 5,63
Armadura -2 −0,17 2,87 5,03 6,12
Atq / Seg 0,59 0,65 0,76 0,84 0,87
Dano 23‒33 45‒55 80‒90 105‒115 117‒127
Resistência mágica 10%
▶️ Velocidade de movimento 285
▶️ Velocidade de ataque 100
Taxa de rotação 0,5
Alcance de visão 1800/800
Alcance de ataque 600
Velocidade de projétil Instantânea
Animação de ataque 0,46+0,54
Tempo base de ataque 1,7
Bloqueio de dano 0
Tamanho de colisão 24
Tipo de gib Etérea

Visage, the bound form of Necro'lic, is a ranged intelligence Hero whose traits are unusual when compared to most Intelligence heroes; he can be a Ganker, Tank, or Nuker. Resilient and ruthless, Visage is a highly aggressive hero thanks to his great Strength gain and Gravekeeper's Cloak which allow him to soak up surprising amounts of damage. This is especially true from attacks mounted by Heroes who try to chip at his health with spells and burst damage without committing to a protracted engagement. This unholy gargoyle thrives in the midst of large battles, where the abundant pain and suffering in the air charges his Soul Assumption, allowing him to fire off huge bursts of magical damage in rapid succession. Additionally, Visage's proficiency with auto-attacks is augmented by his ability to absorb the attack and movement speed of his foes with Grave Chill. Finally, his versatile ultimate, Familiars, is arguably one of the best scouting utilities in the game while also being excellent sources of damage and AoE disables. Utilizing his Familiars to their fullest requires constant split attention and good positioning to avoid feeding their large bounties to an enemy Hero. With a legion of ghostly gargoyles, incredible toughness, and fast attacks, Visage sows terror and agony, relentlessly hunting poor souls and leading them in the shackles of death to the gates of the Underscape.


Visage minimap iconVisage, Bound Form of Necro'lic
▶️ "It is one thing to animate a corpse from beneath the ground. It is another to rip a soul from beyond the veil."
Empoleiradas sobre a entrada do Labirinto Estreito ficam as formas iminentes de gárgulas zombadoras, sempre com os olhos sobre os caminhos da outra vida. Feras e aves, homens e monstros, todas as criaturas que morrem e desejam ir ao além devem passar algum dia sob o olhar delas. Para espíritos livres, a decisão da jornada através do véu da morte é irrevogável. Assim que almas desassossegadas tiverem uma chance e, com elaboração ou astúcia, conseguirem escapar dos seus céus e infernos, o temido gárgula Visage, a forma acorrentada do espírito eterno Necro'lic, é enviado para recuperá-las. Impiedoso e eficiente, desimpedido pelos princípios da morte e da fadiga, o Visage persegue as suas presas sem misericórdia ou fim, propenso a destruir todos que derem abrigo às essências fugitivas. Aquele que carrega as leis da pós-vida nunca poderá descansar, pois mesmo que seja possível que um morto reviva, é só uma questão de tempo até que o Visage encontre-o e devolva-o ao seu lugar apropriado.
Dempsey Pappion (respostas)


Calafrio do Túmulo
Grave Chill icon
Inimigos / Em si mesmo
Visage drena as velocidades de movimento e ataque da unidade-alvo, absorvendo-as para si.
Animação de uso: 0,2+0,57
Alcance de uso: 650 (Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido)
Familiar Buff Radius: 900
Velocidade de movimento drenada: 32%
Velocidade de ataque drenada: 64
Duração: 3/4/5/6
Cooldown: 16/14/12/10
Mana: 90
Ignora parcialmente imunidade a magias. Applies self-buff while spell immune.
Cannot target spell immune enemies. Slow persists if debuff was placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. When blocked, Visage is not boosted either.
Efeito positivo Grave Chill Buff: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Efeito negativo Grave Chill Debuff: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
O calor do sol nunca foi sentido na escuridão gélida do Labirinto Estreito.


  • The slow and speed bonus are independent from each other. Grave Chill does not literally drain the speed.
    • This means Visage's movement speed is increased by {{#show:#Calafrio do Túmulo|?value3#}}, while the target's is slowed by {{#show:#Calafrio do Túmulo|?value3#}}, each based on their own movement speed.
    • The same goes for the attack speed. Visage's attack speed is increased by {{#show:#Calafrio do Túmulo|?value4#}}, while the target's is slowed by {{#show:#Calafrio do Túmulo|?value4#}}.
    • This also means when one of them loses the buff or debuff, the other still keeps theirs.
  • The buff on the Familiars is not aura-based. It places a separate buff on each Familiar with their own durations.
    • This means, after cast, the Familiars can move away from Visage and still keep the buff.
    • It also means that dispelling Visage does not remove the buff on the Familiars, but they can be dispelled separately.
  • The target still gets only one debuff, no matter how many Familiars got buffed in addition to Visage.
  • Can buff invulnerable units, so that Familiars in Stone Form (Familiar) icon Forma de Pedra are buffed as well.

Suposição de Almas
Soul Assumption icon
Ganha uma carga de alma a cada vez que heróis próximos sofrerem mais de {{#show:Visage#Soul Assumption|?value3}} de dano. Quando a essência é lançada, causa dano base mais um adicional baseado no número de cargas de alma.
Animação de uso: 0,2+0,57
Alcance de uso: 900 (Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido)
Raio para acumular dano: 1 375
Secondary Target Range Buffer: 300
Número de alvos: 1 (Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido)
Limiar de dano acumulado: 110
Máximo de cargas: 3/4/5/6
Dano base: 20
Dano por carga: 65 (Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido)
Duração da carga: 6
Cooldown: 4
Mana: 170/160/150/140
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Bloqueado durante impacto.
Efeito positivo Soul Assumption: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
As almas coletadas pelos mortos chegam a trazer outras para o seu refúgio.


  • Soul Assumption travels at a speed of 1000.
  • Each instance of damage taken by heroes is saved for {{#show:#Suposição de Almas|?value9#}} seconds or until cast. When the summary of the saved damage exceeds the damage threshold, a charge is added.
  • It requires Erro Lua: . damage within the last {{#show:#Suposição de Almas|?value9#}} seconds to reach the maximum amount of charges.
  • Only counts damage dealt by players (including their summons) or Roshan icon Roshan.
  • Only counts when the damage was dealt to a hero (excluding illusions and creep-heroes).
  • Does not count self-inflicted damage, or damage less than 2 or greater than 3000 (after reductions).
  • The number of current charges is visible in the form of yellow bars above Visage. This is visible to Visage and his allies only.
  • The projectile's visual appearance also reflects the amount of charges, revealing how much damage it is approximately about to deal.
  • When casting Soul Assumption, its damage is set and the charges counter is reset upon projectile launch.
  • With 0 charges, Soul Assumption can deal {{#show:#Suposição de Almas|?value7#}} (Talento {{#show:#Suposição de Almas|?value7#}}) damage to the target (before reductions).
  • When choosing the level 15 talent, the spell launches a second projectile towards a random visible valid target within the range.
    • The search range is based on the cast range, plus the buffer, resulting in a search range of Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido (Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido).
    • Cannot target the primary target with the second projectile, so when no other targets are nearby, nothing happens.
    • Heroes and illusions have a higher priority than other units. Treats creep-heroes as creeps.
    • Since it uses the spell's cast range, cast range increasing effects increase its range as well.

Manto do Coveiro
Pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Disabled by Break. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Gravekeeper's Cloak icon
Passiva / Aura
A si
VVisage gera uma barreira de camadas que o protege de ataques físicos e mágicos. Ao sofrer dano de um jogador, uma camada é removida, que se recupera com o tempo.
Máximo de camadas: 900
Armadura por camada: 4
Resistência por camada: 8%/12%/16%/20%
Limiar de dano mínimo: 40
Tempo de recuperação das camadas: 6/5/4/3 (Talento Erro Lua: .)
Efeito positivo Gravekeepers Cloak Stack: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Gravekeepers Cloak Secondary: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
As escamas endurecidas de Visage compartilham as mesmas propriedades de fantasmas e de pedras, tornando-o quase impenetrável a cortes e a ataques mágicos.


  • The damage reduction reduces damage from all 3 damage types, except for damage flagged as HP Removal.
  • Only reduces damage if the damage instance is greater than {{#show:#Manto do Coveiro|?value4#}} (after all other reductions). Lower damage is completely ignored.
  • Only reacts on player-based damage, excluding self-inflicted damage.
  • This is how much damage reduction each amount of layers grants at each level:
    • Level 1: total damage reduction.
    • Level 2: total damage reduction.
    • Level 3: total damage reduction.
    • Level 4: total damage reduction.
  • The aura affects all Familiars under Visage's control. It grants them damage reduction based on how many charges Visage currently has.
  • The aura's buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
Ficheiro:Summon Familiars formation.png

The Familiars' formations.

Conjurar Familiares
Summon Familiars icon
Sem alvo
Conjura dois Familiares cegos para lutar por Visage. Familiares têm um dano de ataque alto, mas cada ataque drena uma carga de dano que é recarregada lentamente ao passar do tempo. Familiares possuem a habilidade Forma de Pedra, que permite transformá-los em pedra, atordoando inimigos próximos ao pousarem. Enquanto na Forma de Pedra, eles ficam invulneráveis e regeneram vida e cargas de dano rapidamente. Familiares fornecem uma quantia de ouro significante quando mortos.
Animação de uso: 0+0
Número de familiares: 2 (Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido) (Com Cetro de Aghanim 3, Com Cetro de Aghanim e Talento Erro de expressão: Carácter de pontuação "{" não reconhecido)
Duração do familiar: Permanente
Cooldown: 130
Mana: 150
Aprimoramento do Cetro de Aghanim: Invoca {{#show:#Conjurar Familiares|?value1 aghs#}} familiares.
Guardiões do Labirinto Estreito, os Familiares do Necro'lic mantêm a guarda sobre o seu domínio.


  • Summon Familiars interrupts Visage's channeling spells upon cast.
  • Casting Summon Familiars replaces currently active Familiars from a previous cast.
  • The Familiars are summoned 200 range in front on Visage, with 120 range distance between the Familiars. Visage is always at the center of the line.
  • The familiars' attack damage, health and armor only update upon getting re-summoned, and not immediately upon leveling the spell up.
  • The familiars are creep-heroes and ancient creeps, making them interact differently with several spells.

Forma de Pedra
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast.
Stone Form (Familiar) icon
Sem alvo
Após um pequeno atraso, o Familiar transforma-se em pedra e colide com o chão, atordoando e causando dano a todos os alvos na área. O Familiar se torna invulnerável e ganha suas cargas de dano e vida muito rapidamente. Após {{#show:Familiar#Stone Form|?value6#}} segundos, o Familiar deixará a Forma de Pedra automaticamente.
Animação de uso: 0+0
Cooldown: 0
Mana: 0


  • Stone Form does not interrupt Visage's channeling spells upon cast.
  • This ability is disabled when no Familiar has Stone Form ready.
    • The ability goes on a cooldown equal to the cooldown time of the Stone Form with the lowest cooldown.
    • This cooldown cannot be altered in any way, it periodically updates itself to match the next Stone Form.
    • This means when re-summoning the Familiars, the sub-spell is immediately ready again.
  • When used, orders the closest Familiar to enter Stone Form automatically.
  • Although the Familiars' Stone Form spell triggers on-cast effects when used manaully, they do not do so when used via this sub-spell.
  • Can be used while stunned, cycloned, slept, taunted, hidden, or during Forced Movement.
  • Cannot be used while silenced, hexed or prevented from acting. Cannot be shift-queued.


Visage Familiar model
Criatura heroica Ancestral
Nível 2
Duração Permanente
Vida 500/600/700
Regeneração de vida 0
Armadura 0/1/2
Resistência mágica 35%
Resistência estática 0%
Dano de ataque 30/45/60
Alcance de aquisição 250
Alcance de ataque 160
Tempo base de ataque 0,4
Animação de ataque 0,33+0,2
Velocidade de projétil 900
Velocidade de movimento 430 (Talento 50)
Alcance de seguir 100
Taxa de rotação 0,5
Tamanho de colisão 16
Alcance de visão 390 (A)
Recompensa 100
Experiência 41
Escala de modelo 0,66
Habilidades Stone Form (Familiar) icon Forma de Pedra

Erro Lua: Error in "where" parameter: the string "#" cannot be used within #cargo_query..

Unknown icon
Não há nenhuma descrição para esta habilidade.


Talentos do herói
+1 Visage Familiar icon Familiar25-2s de recuperação para Gravekeeper's Cloak icon Manto do Coveiro
+80 de velocidade de movimento para Visage Familiar icon Familiares20+15 de dano por carga para Soul Assumption icon Suposição de Almas
Alvo adicional para Soul Assumption icon Suposição de Almas15+40% de experiência obtida
+30 de dano10+125 de alcance de uso
  • Este talento de dano de ataque é adicionado como dano de ataque bruto, então não beneficia ilusões e não é afetado pela maioria dos efeitos de redução ou aumento de dano baseado em porcentagem.

Itens recomendados

Itens iniciais:

Começo da partida:

Meio da partida:

Minutos finais:

Itens situacionais:


Funções: Suporte Suporte Bombardeador Bombardeador Resistente Resistente Desativador Desativador Emburrador Emburrador
Complexidade: ★★★
Estilo de jogo: Perched atop the Narrow Maze was Visage, a dreadful gargoyle form to which the eternal spirit Necro'lic was bound. Tasked with hunting down those who escape the afterlife, Visage instills a Grave Chill in his prey, impairing them as he reaps their essence with Soul Assumption. Protected by a Gravekeeper's Cloak, the gargoyle's ablative layers deflect both steel and spells. Visage's Familiars circle above, scouting the land for runaways. On his command, they harass their prey, then drop down to earth in Stone Form to restrain the captive for their master's impending arrival.

Counters icon
Desvantagens e


Responses icon
Sounds icon


Lore icon
Old Abilities icon
Habilidades antigas
Changelogs icon



  • Visage has one of the most numerous ability remakes in the game, with Grave Chill being his only mainstay:
    • Soul Assumption, in an earlier version, was an autocast enabled attack modifier where he will deal bonus damage and steal the life of his enemies upon death, healing him and leaving no corpse.
    • Gravekeeper's Cloak used to be a passive aura where allies in the area will be healed when Visage takes damage, physical or magical.
    • Raise Revenants, his former ultimate, lets him summon up to eight pitch-black, gargoyle-shaped spirits from a corpse. It was likely changed because of it being a very effective scouting tool that makes map control easier. The Revenants had good vision range, a flying attribute, and can be resummoned easily since the ability neither cost a lot of mana nor had a long cooldown. This, along with the fact that the Revenants did not do a lot of damage on their own (attack modifier limits their damage to one-third the stated amount against heroes) and no special abilities give them very limited usage in combat situations.
  • Visage's rival line towards Keeper of the Light minimap icon Keeper of the Light ▶️ "You shall not pass!" is a direct quote from Gandalf, a character from The Lord of the Rings. This reference is due to the similarities between Keeper of the Light and Gandalf.[1]

