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Sabre Ecoante
Echo Sabre icon
Uma lâmina incrivelmente ágil imbuída com magia ressonante.
Passiva [?] Golpe Ecoante
Bônus [?] +12 de Força
+10 de Inteligência
+10 de velocidade de ataque
Desmontável? Não
Alerta aliados? Não
Sabre Ecoante (2650)Components2
Machado do Ogro (1
Cajado do Oblívio (1

Sabre Ecoante é um item comprável na loja da base, na categoria artefatos.

Informações adicionais

Erro Lua em Módulo:Item_stats na linha 59: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil).


Golpe Ecoante
Em inglês: Echo Strike
Faz com que ataques corpo a corpo sejam desferidos duas vezes rapidamente. Os ataques duplos aplicam 100% de retardo de movimento por 0,8 segundo a cada batida.
Velocidade de ataque adicional: 490
Número de ataques: 1
Retardo de movimento: 100%
Duração do retardo: 0,8
Cooldown: 5
Ignora parcialmente imunidade a magias. Can proc on spell immune enemies. Cannot slow spell immune enemies. Slow persists if debuff was placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.
Efeito negativo Echo Sabre Debuff: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.


  • This ability works exclusively for melee heroes.
  • Upon proccing, grants the user 490 attack speed until the next attack.
    • This means it does not provide guaranteed full attack speed and can be countered by strong attack speed slows.
    • The attack speed has no set duration. It lasts until the user makes a second attack, no matter how long they wait.
  • Since it is a simple attack speed bonus, it is possible to cancel the second attack and "store" the attack speed for later.
  • The second attack is not an instant attack. It uses regular attack animation times and attack cooldowns.
  • The movement speed slow is applied on the proccing attack and on the attack after the proccing attack.
    • This means it is possible to slow two enemies with one proc, by switching attack targets after the proccing attack.
  • The attacks first apply the debuff, then their own damage.
  • Echo Strike triggers on instant attacks as well, applying the slow. The attack speed is wasted, though, since they are instant attacks.
  • The slow of multiple instances does not stack, but refreshes the duration instead.
  • Procs on anything, including buildings, wards and allies. The slow fully applies to allies, but not to buildings and wards.

Heróis recomendados

Chaos Knight icon
  • Provides Chaos Knight with good overall stats and some extra mana regeneration.
  • Additionally, the slow from Echo Sabre icon Golpe Ecoante synergizes well with Reality Rift icon Fenda da Realidade and the potential critical strike from Chaos Strike icon Golpe Caótico.
  • The slow also means that Chaos Knight can possibly chase down a hero without needing to use the mana intensive Chaos Bolt icon Raio Caótico.
Legion Commander icon
  • Combined with the extra attacks from Moment of Courage icon Momento de Coragem, Echo Sabre can quickly bring down an opponent during a Duel icon Duelo.
Lifestealer icon
  • Fast strikes with Feast icon Banquete does burst damage, and also provides Lifestealer with a means of quick health recovery.
Magnus icon
  • A good item for semi-carry Magnus, as he has large physical damage potential with his talents.
  • Typically, this build forgoes the usual Arcane Boots icon Botas Arcanas and thus Echo Sabre fills the necessity for some mana regeneration.
Monkey King icon
  • Allows Monkey King to quickly build up Jingu Mastery icon Maestria do Jingu stacks.
  • During his ultimate, clones will apply the slow on every hit.
Riki icon
  • Echo Sabre allows Cloak and Dagger icon Manto e Adaga's backstab damage to hit twice before targets have time to turn around.
  • During Tricks of the Trade icon Truques do Ofício Echo Sabre will apply its slow to every target in the AoE without going on cooldown. Thus, it will repeatedly slow anyone who stays in the AoE.
Slark icon
  • Echo Sabre allows Slark to gank with ease, locking down targets and quickly gaining a double stat conversion through Essence Shift icon Troca de Essência.
  • Furthermore, the slow from the double attack facilitates a successful Pounce icon Bote leash.
Spirit Breaker icon
  • Echo Sabre gives Spirit Breaker a better chance of triggering Greater Bash icon Grande Pancada, and boosts his slow attack speed.
Sven icon
  • A well farmed Sven can deal massive damage with a crit item and God's Strength icon Força Divina, sometimes killing enemies in one hit. Echo Sabre makes that even more likely. Even without a crit item, a double attack from Sven with God's Strength active deals crippling damage to enemies.
Tiny icon
  • Tiny can use Echo Sabre to hit twice while an enemy is Toss icon Lançared, increasing his burst damage especially with Tree Grab icon Pegar Árvore. It also solves his mana issues, as well as improving his ability to push with Tree Grab icon Pegar Árvore equipped.
Wraith King icon
  • Echo Sabre gives Wraith King a better chance of landing a crit with Mortal Strike icon Golpe Mortal, and boosts his slow attack speed.



  • The best items in combination to increase your damage are those who grant critical hit and armor reduction. A Skull Basher icon Esmagador de Crânios is also good to get a chance to bash from the two quick attacks.
    • You can combine the echo sabre with a Daedalus icon Dédalo and Satanic icon Satânico's active to instantly restore your HP.
  • Echo Sabre's ability is effectively a passive 1-hit-only Overpower icon Sobrefortalecer. This makes it a great item on heroes whose passive abilities rely on attack speed to be effective, similar to how Ursa's Fury Swipes icon Garras Furiosas relies on the attack speed of Overpower.
  • The attack speed from the passive proc lasts until a second attack is done. This makes it possible to "store" the massive attack speed bonus for a planned strike on an enemy. One just has to attack a creep to proc the passive ability and immediately cancel the second attack. The stored attack speed can come very handy when ganking enemies which have strong attack speed slows like Enchantress minimap icon Enchantress with her Untouchable icon Intocável or Phoenix minimap icon Phoenix's Fire Spirits icon Espíritos de Fogo.


  • Prior to the July 14, 2017 Patch, Echo Sabre's passive ability, Golpe Ecoante, did not have an official name. The name was taken from the Dota 2 Wiki and officially implemented into Dota 2.

