Dota 2 Wiki
A versão imprimível já não suportada e pode apresentar defeitos de composição gráfica. Atualize os favoritos do seu navegador e use a função de impressão padrão do navegador.

Esta predefinição define a tabela "abilities". Ver tabela. Foi gerada uma tabela de substituição desta tabela; Ver a tabela de substituição. Esta predefinição acrescenta linhas à tabela "abilities_buffs", que é declarada pela predefinição Ability/buffs. Ver tabela. Esta predefinição acrescenta linhas à tabela "abilities_traits", que é declarada pela predefinição Ability/traits. Ver tabela. Esta predefinição acrescenta linhas à tabela "abilities_aghstraits", que é declarada pela predefinição Ability/aghstraits. Ver tabela.

Documentação para Predefinição:Ability [ ver | editar | atualizar ]


| name = 
| original =
| image = 
| sound = 
| type = 
| description = 
| lore = 
| target = 
| target2 = 
| affects = 
| affects2 = 
| damagetype = 
| damagetype2 = 
| key = 
| legacy key = 

| bkbblock = 
| bkbtext = 
| linkenblock = 
| linkentext = 
| breakable = 
| breaktext = 
| illusionuse = 
| illusiontext = 
| rootdisables = 
| roottext = 
| oncastproc = 
| oncasttext = 

| buff1 = 
| buff1text = 
| buff1dispel = 
| debuff1 = 
| debuff1text = 
| debuff1dispel = 

| cast point = 
| cast backswing = 
| trait1 = 
| value1 = 
| trait2 = 
| value2 = 
| trait3 = 
| value3 = 
| trait4 = 
| value4 = 
| trait5 = 
| value5 = 

| mana = 
| currentmana = 
| maxmana = 
| cooldown = 
| aghanimsupgrade = 

| notes = 
Attribute Description
name The name of the ability. Copy the exact in-game name.
original Nome da habilidade em inglês.
image Ability icon, if one exists. Use Unknown_icon.png if ability has no icon. Leave out if ability belongs to an item.
sound Sound effect(s) of the ability, if one exists. Up to 3 sounds can be listed (sound/sound2/sound3).
type Valid options: Ultimate, Item, Aghanims, NPC, Hero. Defaults to Hero if left out.
description Official in-game description of the ability. Use status buff/debuff description if the ability has no official description.
lore Lore text of the ability, which is located at the very top of the ability tooltips. Leave out of no lore is present.
target The (targeting) type of the ability. See below for valid entries. If ability has multiple types, use "target2" as well.
affects Tells which units the ability affects. See below for valid entries. If ability can affect multiple groups of units, use "affects2" as well.
damagetype The damage type dealt by the ability if it deals damage. See below for valid entries. If ability uses multiple damage types, use "damagetype2" as well.
key The Dota2 default hotkey for the ability.
legacy key The original DotA1 (legacy) hotkey of the ability.
bkbblock Use to tell whether the ability is blocked by spell immunity or not: Options: Yes, No, Partial
bkbtext Extra note about spell immunity interaction.
linkenblock Use for single-target spells only, to tell whether Spell Block blocks the spell or not. Options: Yes, No, Partial
linkentext Extra note about Spell Block interaction.
breakable Use for passive abilities (or abilities with a passive component) to tell whether the passive ability/component is disabled by Break: Options: Yes, No, Partial
breaktext Extra note about Break interaction.
illusionuse Use to tell whether the ability can be used by illusions or not. Options: Yes, No, Partially
illusiontext Extra note about illusion usability.
rootdisables Use to tell whether the ability can be used while rooted. Leave out if ability can be used while rooted.
roottext Extra note about rooted.
oncastproc Use to tell whether the ability can proc on-cast effects. Leave out if ability can proc on-cast effects.
oncasttext Extra note about on-cast effects.
buff# Enter the name of the buff the ability uses. Leave out if ability uses no buffs.
buff#text Enter the display name of the buff the ability uses on battle log. Leave out if buff uses the same name.
buff#dispel Tell whether the buff is dispellable or not. Options: Any/Strong/None
debuff# Enter the name of the debuff the ability uses. Leave out if ability uses no debuffs.
debuff#text Enter the display name of the debuff the ability uses on battle log. Leave out if debuff uses the same name.
debuff#dispel Tell whether the debuff is dispellable or not. Options: Any/Strong/None
cast point The time the unit needs to execute the spell. Do not use this for channeling times or on active attack modifier. Use "cast point aghs" for Aghanim's Scepter value.
cast backswing The remaining animation after cast the unit goes through when not canceled. Use "cast backswing aghs" for Aghanim's Scepter value.
trait# First unique trait of the ability. Keep as short as possible and use conistant wording throughout the wiki. Words should be capitalized. Up to 10 traits allowed.
value# The value corresponding to the trait. Avoid using words. Accepted exception is "global". Up to 10 values allowed. Use "value# aghs" for Aghanim's Scepter value.
mana The flat mana cost of the ability. Use "mana aghs" for Aghanim's Scepter value.
currentmana The mana cost of the ability based on the current mana pool.
maxmana The mana cost of the ability based on the maximum mana pool.
cooldown The cooldown time of the ability. Do not use for recharge times. Use "cooldown aghs" for Aghanim's Scepter value.
aghanimsupgrade The Aghanim's Scepter upgrade text. Use official ingame text.
notes Anything else about the ability goes here. Only Mechanics and special interactions. DO NOT ADD TIPS TO NOTES, use the tips/guides section for tips.

Valid entries for 'target' are:

No Target, Target Unit, Target Point, Target Area, Passive, Aura, Autocast, Toggle

If an ability has a 2nd targeting type, use target2. Valid entries are:

No Target, Target Unit, Target Point, Target Area, Passive, Aura, Channeled, Autocast, Toggle, Vector,

No Target aghs, Target Unit aghs, Target Point aghs, Target Area aghs, Passive aghs, Aura aghs, Channeled aghs, Autocast aghs, Toggle aghs


Target = No Target
Target2 = Channeled

Target = Target Point
Target2 = Target Area aghs

will display: No Target / Channeled or Target Point (Aprimorável pelo Cetro de Aghanim. Target Area)

Valid entries for 'affects' are:

Heroes, Enemy Heroes, Allied Heroes, Units, Enemy Units, Allied Units, Self, Enemies, Allies, Trees, Pumpkin Basket

If an ability affects several types, use affects2. Valid entries are:

Heroes, Enemy Heroes, Allied Heroes, Units, Enemy Units, Allied Units, Self, Enemies, Allies, Trees

Heroes aghs, Enemy Heroes aghs, Allied Heroes aghs, Units aghs, Enemy Units aghs, Allied Units aghs, Self aghs, Enemies aghs, Allies aghs, Trees aghs

Valid entries for 'damagetype' are:

Physical, Magical, Pure

(Composite, Universal, HP Removal: Deprecated damage types, use only for old/replaced abilities)

If an ability has several damage types, use damagetype2. Valid entries are:

Physical, Magical, Pure, HP Removal

Physical aghs, Magical aghs, Pure aghs


Random Ability
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken.
I like cookies
Animação de uso: 1+2
Random Value: 3,1414
Cooldown: 0
Mana: 42
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Blocked by black matter
Efeito positivo Good: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Efeito negativo Bad: dissipável com dissipação poderosa.
Monster story

Random Ability
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken.
I like cheese
Animação de uso: 1+2
Random Value: 3,1414
Cooldown: 10/11/12/13
(Com Cetro de Aghanim 10/20/30/40)
Mana: 42/43/44/45
(Com Cetro de Aghanim 42/43/44/45)
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Blocked by black matter
Efeito positivo Attack speed buff: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Any lorem ipsum dadadafadsfad aöldkfjöasdkf ölaksdjf öaskdjf asdf adsf ökjk asdf!! Jajaj!