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Habilidades antigas

Aura de Precisão (6.76-7.19d)
Não pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Disabled by Break. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Precision Aura icon
Sem alvo / Aura
Em inglês: Precision Aura (6.76-7.19d)
Fornece dano extra a ataques de heróis aliados de longo alcance com base em uma porcentagem da Agilidade da Drow. Afeta criaturas por 30 segundos quando lançada.
Animação de uso: 0+0
Raio: Global
Agility as Ranged Attack Damage Bonus: 10%/20%/30%/40% (Talento 30%/40%/50%/60%)
Duração da permanência da aura: 0,5
Active Duration: 30
Cooldown: 100 (Talento 50)
Disabled by Break. Still disabled when the active component is used.
Efeito positivo Trueshot Aura: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito positivo Trueshot Global: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
O tempo que Traxex passou sozinha nas florestas de sua terra Drow permitiram que ela treinasse outros arqueiros como melhorar suas habilidades com o arco.


  • This ability got reworked into the current Precision Aura icon Aura de Precisão in the 7.20 gameplay patch.
  • Interrupts Drow Ranger's channeling spells upon cast.
  • Only affects ranged units. Does not affect wards and buildings.
  • Checks Drow Ranger's agility periodically and adapts the bonus damage instantly.
  • Activating Precision Aura does not place a buff on lane creeps and summons, it instead makes the aura affect them as well.
  • This means that creeps summoned or spawned after the activation still get the bonus for the remaining duration.
  • Active aura persist through Drow Ranger's death, however, it does not provide the bonus during her death.
    • This means when reincarnating with Aegis of the Immortal icon Égide do Imortal, or buying back, the aura is bestowed for its remaining duration.
  • The buff lingers for 0.5 seconds. This goes for both, the passive aura for heroes and the active aura for creeps.
  • Treats creep-heroes as creeps, so they are only affected when activating the aura.

Pontaria (6.76-7.19d)
Pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Pode ser anulada. Partially disabled by Break. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Marksmanship icon
A si
(Aprimorável pelo Cetro de Aghanim. Inimigos)
Em inglês: Marksmanship (6.76-7.19d)
As suas experiências em batalhas melhoram a sua precisão e eficiência no combate, fornecendo Agilidade adicional passivamente. Não fornece Agilidade caso haja heróis inimigos em um raio de 400 unidades.
Raio de busca por heróis: 400
Agilidade adicional: 35/55/75 (Talento 55/75/95)
Raio de busca dos estilhaços: 0 (Com Cetro de Aghanim 375)
Máximo de alvos dos estilhaços: 0 (Com Cetro de Aghanim 2)
Redução de dano dos estilhaços: 0 (Com Cetro de Aghanim 50%)
Aprimoramento do Cetro de Aghanim: Faz com que os ataques se estilhacem ao atingir o alvo, acertando unidades próximas com ataques normais que causam dano reduzido.
Partially disabled by Break. Particle effects still react on enemy proximity. Splintering arrows are not disabled and fully work.
Efeito positivo Marksmanship: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
Efeito negativo Marksmanship Reduction: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
A Drow Ranger é a quintessência da proeza com um arco.


  • This ability got reworked into the current Marksmanship icon Pontaria in the 7.20 gameplay patch.
  • An icy particle effect is visible on Drow Ranger while Marksmanship is active.
  • Checks for nearby enemy heroes (including invulnerable or hidden ones) in 0.1 second intervals and adapts the bonus accordingly.
  • Does not react on the presence of illusions and creep-heroes.
  • Effectively grants 7/11/15 (Talento 11/15/19) armor, 2.19%/3.44%/4.69% (Talento 3.44%/4.69%/5.94%) move speed, 43.75/68.75/93.75 (Talento 68.75/93.75/118.75) attack speed and 35/55/75 (Talento 55/75/95) attack damage.
  • This is how much extra damage Precision Aura icon Aura de Precisão grants in conjunction with Marksmanship's agility bonus: [?]
    • Marksmanship level 1: 3.5/7/10.5/14 // 10.5/14/17.5/21 (Talento 5.5/11/16.5/22 // 16.5/22/27.5/33)
    • Marksmanship level 2: 5.5/11/16.5/22 // 16.5/22/27.5/33 (Talento 7.5/15/22.5/30 // 22.5/30/37.5/45)
    • Marksmanship level 3: 7.5/15/22.5/30 // 22.5/30/37.5/45 (Talento 9.5/19/28.5/38 // 28.5/38/47.5/57)
  • The Aghanim's Scepter icon Cetro de Aghanim upgrade requires Marksmanship to be learned and causes Drow Ranger to perform instant attacks on 2 random enemies around the primary target.
    • This means the splinters are regular attacks, using Drow Ranger's 1250 projectile speed and being disjointable.
    • It also means that they can proc any attack modifier or any on-hit effect like a regular attack.
    • The splinters are only released if the primary attack successfully hits a target. This means missed or disjointed attacks do not release any splinters.
    • If Drow Ranger is blinded, the splinters can miss, unless she has True Strike. They can also miss to evasion.
    • The splinters originate from the primary target's location, not Drow Ranger's location.
    • Since the splinters are independent attacks, their damage does not depend on how much damage the primary target took.
    • The damage penalty only applies to the attack damage and any bonuses. Damage dealt in separate instances is unaffected (e.g. Maelstrom icon Maelstrom procs).
    • The splinter arrows do not target couriers, buildings and wards as splinter targets, but can splinter off of them to nearby valid targets.
    • They also completely ignore invisible, invulnerable and hidden units, as well as units in the Fog of War.
  • When using Frost Arrows icon Flechas de Gelo manually, then the resulting splinters apply the slow as well.
    • However, when using autocast, the splinters only apply it when having it on autocast as the splinters hit their target.
    • Either way (be it manually used, or via autocast), it drains mana upon hitting the target, and not upon splintering.
    • Therefore, it only drains mana upon successfully hitting the splinter targets. Missed attacks do not drain mana.

Silence (Drow Ranger) icon
Em inglês: Silence
Stops all enemy units in a target area from casting spells.
Animação de uso: 0,4+0,57
Alcance de uso: 900
Raio: 300
Duração: 3/4/5/6
Cooldown: 13
Mana: 90
Efeito negativo Silence: dissipável com qualquer dissipação.
Traxex é amante da tranquilidade do combate físico, aproveitando-se da sua linhagem Drow para interromper qualquer encantamento de magos adversários.


  • Applies a silence.

Aura de Precisão (pré-6.76)
Usável parcialmente pelas ilusões. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Precision Aura icon
Em inglês: Precision Aura (Pre 6.76)
Adds bonus damage to the physical attack of allied ranged units in the area.
Raio: 900
Ranged Attack Damage Bonus: 8%/16%/24%/32%
Usável parcialmente pelas ilusões. Illusions can carry the aura, but cannot make use of the bonus damage.
Efeito positivo Precision Aura: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.
O tempo que Traxex passou sozinha nas florestas de sua terra Drow permitiram que ela treinasse outros arqueiros como melhorar suas habilidades com o arco.


  • The aura's buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
  • Only increases base damage and that given by the primary attribute of the affected units. Raw bonus damage is not increased.

Pontaria (6.50-6.75)
Não pode ser usada pelas ilusões. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Marksmanship icon
A si
Em inglês: Marksmanship (6.50-6.75)
Drow's experiences in battle improve her accuracy and effectiveness in combat, providing a passive bonus to Agility.
Agilidade adicional: 15/30/60
A Drow Ranger é a quintessência da proeza com um arco.


  • Grants Drow Ranger a total of 2.1/4.2/8.4 armor, 15/30/60 attack speed and 15/30/60 attack damage.

Pontaria (pré-6.50)
Bloqueado pela Esfera de Linken. Ignora imunidade a magias.
Marksmanship icon
Em inglês: Marksmanship (Pre 6.50)
The ranger's accuracy has increased to the point where she can slay lesser enemies in one shot.
Chance: 10%/15%/20%
A Drow Ranger é a quintessência da proeza com um arco.


  • This ability got reworked into the following Marksmanship icon Pontaria (6.50-6.75) version in the 6.50 gameplay patch.
  • Marksmanship is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
  • Since it was a unique attack modifier, it could not proc while using Frost Arrows icon Flechas de Gelo.
  • Cannot proc on heroes, buildings, wards, ancient creeps and creep-heroes.
  • This ability was basically a bash with extremely high damage bonus, enough to instantly kill any creep when proccing.