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Capuz da Audácia
Hood of Defiance icon
Um capuz peludo e resistente a magias que é temido pelos magos.
Ativo Barreira
Bônus [?] +25% de resistência mágica
Desmontável? Não
Alerta aliados? Não
Cachimbo de Introspecção (3
UsedIn1Capuz da Audácia (1700)Components3
Anel de Vida (850)
Manto (550)
Anel de Regeneração (300)

Capuz da Audácia é um item comprável na loja da base, na categoria armaduras.

Informações adicionais[]

  • Stacks multiplicatively with other sources of magic resistance.
  • Increases most heroes' total magic resistance to 43,75%, assuming basic 25% magic resistance and no other sources of magic resistance.
    • Increases Visage minimap icon Visage's total magic resistance to 43,75%, assuming his basic 25% magic resistance and no other sources of magic resistance.


Sem alvo
A si
Cria um escudo mágico que absorve até de dano mágico. Dura segundos.
Magical Damage Absorbed: 325
Duração: 12
Cooldown: 60
Mana: 75
Efeito positivo Item Hood Of Defiance Barrier: não é dissipável, continua após a morte.


  • Interrupts the user's channeling spells upon cast.
  • Blocks damage before any reductions, except when spell immune, during which it does not block any magical damage.
  • Recasting Barrier refreshes the buff and resets the barrier's absorb capacity.
  • Does not stack with other magical damage barriers.
    • If multiple sources of barriers are active on a unit, all of them lose capacity from the same absorbed damage instance.
  • Only blocks magical damage, coming from spells and attacks. Does not block any physical or pure damage.

Heróis recomendados[]

Principal: Pudge minimap icon Pudge e Centaur Warrunner minimap icon Centaur Warrunner

Situacional: todo herói que tem Cachimbo de Introspecção como item situacional.


  • This item can be purchased by a nuker against enemies carrying a Blade Mail icon Cota de Lâminas.
  • The Barrier can be used to keep your Blink Dagger icon Adaga de Translocação active. It is useful for an initiator against an ennemy team with a radiance or to escape if caught in a gank.


  • Prior to the July 14, 2017 Patch, Hood of Defiance's active ability, Barrier, did not have an official name. The name was taken from the Dota 2 Wiki and officially implemented into Dota 2.

